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Happy Birthday! |
Although the heart of my blog may be to share the the Ah-ha!-you-gotta-try-this finds, my own
Firstly, in the Food Lab department and since we do need to eat in order to live (while some live to eat), I believe that we should not only eat well but also healthily. Thus, I take aim in searching for healthy, wholesome dishes so I will do my best to note it (ie, Gluten-free, Organic, etc). As they say, "You are what you eat!" Do NOT expect workout routines or avoidance of certain ingredients due to allergies or for strict dieticians because I EAT EVERYTHING, well almost ;-D, and I do not have adipose enlargement in my stomach, abdomen, hips, gluteus or any other body part you can name. Wish you have my genes, don't ya?
As for the Other Interesting topics department, I am a Noobie to the blogging and Twitter world, so I also want to maintain the right understanding and proper uses of these critical functions in social media. (HTML design for blogs is for the fancy pants, and not only am I not there yet, so far it doesn't seem like a necessity.) If you are a Social Media guru yourself, please bear with me and don't hesitate to share your thoughts. Otherwise, the rest of us can attempt to figure out this "social media" thing, together :)
So, this leads to the first social media lesson for me:
Nathan Bransford gave me the lowdown on how to use the Twitter "@Reply" and he's got some publishing essentials where I may take away with a thing or two for my blog writing. Since I am also an avid reader, thanks to e-books and my let's-read-a-book-so-we-can-get-together-to-eat-and-watch-the-movie book club (we had a shorten version of the name somewhere) with 3 of my girlfriends, I find interest in some of Nathan's posts about e-books.
And for you:
<3 Thyself Chocolat Truffles (homemade): who doesn't like chocolate? Go love yourself and love some chocolate because these are GF (Gluten-Free) AND can be high in anti-oxidiants, you know, flavenoids and polyphenols! Hayy-ya! Take that, free radicals!
Organic and sustainable chocolate can be found at NEWTREE Chocolate & Café. They have a cafe located in San Francisco. And with this Bloomspot deal you can get $12 for $24 of lunch and chocolate at the cafe and $20 for $40 of gourmet chocolate!

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