Happy 540th Birthday Copernicus!

Happy 540th Birthday Copernicus! - Google Doodle
Happy 540th Birthday Nicolaus Copernicus!
From Google Doodles
A Polish astronomer and mathematician, Nicolaus Copernicus is a shining star of the Renaissance. His major contribution to science is his heliocentric theory, which asserts that the sun is the center of our solar system. As the Earth was popularly assumed the center of the universe, his heliocentric theory rocked convention. Though the mechanics of this theory has mathematical underpinnings, its radical nature still gave Copernicus some pause. It was, therefore, not until his final year that he published his findings in De Revolutionibus orbium coelestium.
We wanted to celebrate Copernicus and his contributions to the world with a subtly animated doodle. Though revolutionary at the time, the heliocentric model is beautiful in its simplicity. The resulting doodle is zen-like and unassuming. Its actions need not scream for attention, much like the slow publication of De Revolutionibus orbium coelestium. The orbits of the solar system are steady and true.
February 19, 2013
You probably saw the second image on Google’s main page as Google was also recognizing Copernicus’ birthday today with a Google Doodle. :)
Image Sources: (1- Cheezburger) (2- Google)
Source: http://thechefslab.tumblr.com/post/43553547823
Science, Astronomy, Mathematics, Birthday
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