Harvard Microbiologist, Ben Wolfe, puts David Chang's pork katsuobushi to the test!

Gastronomika Conference in San Sebastian, Spain.

Harvard Microbiologist, Ben Wolfe, puts David Chang's pork katsuobushi to the test!

The finished pork katsuobushi.
Behind the Scenes: PigThis kills me haha! I don’t mean to be a lab safety nazi, but safety in the workplace is extremely important if you don’t want to get hurt and save yourself and your employer lots of medical bills! Now if you’d rather make payments to your doc, then, by all means, do not read further.
Disclaimer: I just happen upon this post and do not know much about the blog, blogger(s), or show so I could very well be speaking out of context. But my next comments are solely based on the first thing I noticed in these images. And no, it’s not the pork, as much of a foodie as I am! ;-)
I don’t know about you, but I value my eyeballs and the ability to see. So where are your safety glasses, mister??!!
Secondly, liquid nitrogen has a “fun” factor, but man it burns!! I happen to like my skin smooth and smoother with the help of Jergens, thankyouverymuch. Where are your cryogloves? But I guess he would rather burn nitrile into his lovely hands!
And lastly, but not least, I know he is working with food and all but the lab looks like a garage! I see chemicals stored dangerously! I also see chemical spills, OSHA, and hazmat in his near future!
We teach kids “safety first”, but how come we get away with it ourselves? Ok, that’s all for now! Back to enjoying your chemically-treated pork! Yum!
Source: http://thechefslab.tumblr.com/post/44132400392
Science, Food, Safety
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